S3 Energy Innovators - Matchmaking Wallonia Flanders - Genk

The Cluster TWEED and Pôles MecaTech and GreenWin are organising this inter-regional Energy Innovation matchmaking in EnergyVille, Genk.
A one-day event focusing on current EU Innovation funding opportunities. Come and share your skills, plans and ideas and meet your future Flemish and/or Walloon partners !
Draft of Agenda
9h00 – Welcoming coffee
9h30 – Opening : Objectives of the day : launch EU collaboration – Regional representatives
9h45 – R&D ecosystems : opportunities and targets – sharings from Wallonia & Flanders portfolio leaders on the topics :
- Retrofitting
- Green hydrogen
- Energy Communities and DHC
- Heavy mobility
11h00 – Break
11h15 – Practical Wal-Fl Opportunities : calls overview – W.E. / VLAIO / EISMA / SPW / EWI / NCP
- Interreg (STIPP, Crossroad,..)
- Horizon Europe (Cluster 5 opening in may)
- I3 (next call opening in may)
- Vanguard Initiative
- .. and others
12h30 – Networking lunch
13h30 – Challenging Pitchs : Innovation actors from Energy Wallonia, Flanders and Belgium (enterprises, research centers, universities)
14h30 – Networking sessions
- Matchmaking RDV - to be planned via an official plateform
- EnergyVille Sites and labos - have a break during your 2h00 of intensive matchmaking visiting :
- Retrofitting buildings
- Hydrogen
- DHC (thermics labo)
- Energy Communities
- Mobility
16h30 – Conclusions and networking Drink
18h00 – End
Ticket and access
- Price : 300€ HT for the day, but :
Free for members of the walloon S3 Energy & buildings portfolio : CETWA - Contribute - e-WallonHY - RENow or motively interested and Free for Flemish innovators interested in new partnerships.
- Inscriptions (before 1st May): via the platform B2Match
Via this link : https://www.b2match.com/e/s3-dis4-energy-innovators
Complete now your profile and then, from 15th April, you will be able to book your RDV !
- Address of the day : Thor Central, André Dumontlaan 67, 3600 Genk
Wallonia S3 Energy Buildings coordinators
- Cluster TWEED : Renaud Dachouffe rdachouffe@clustertweed.be
- Pôle MecaTech : Philippe Stegen philippe.stegen@polemecatech.be
- Pôle GreenWin : Tara McCarthy tara.mccarthy@greenwin.be